Winter Walks

 Living in the heart of Devon means we are surrounded by some wonderful scenery. Every Sunday we try and get out for a walk as a family, whatever the weather, we gather up the wellies and coats and sometimes remember a picnic, getting out the house with three kids can be a bit of a mission so we aim to leave my 10:30am…. Nothing like blowing away the cobwebs and forgetting the pile of washing for a while. 
I love this time of year because the national trust places we visit (we are members) are normally quiet. Today I’m sporting a very stylish eye patch… Not unlike a pirate… I’ve developed a cornea infection as a result of my acne….so the chill in the air helped hide my shame and embarrassment… The camera hid the rest of my face… Here’s a few pics from the last few weeks








9 Responses to “Winter Walks”

  1. Mother Under Measure

    I used to live in Salcombe in the South Hams and it was beautiful! I love these pictures and I especially love that you make this a weekly event, always nice to know that you have time put aside for family no matter what else happens through the week x

  2. I love a good winter walk, Abbie not so much. It was easier when she would sit in her pushchair, now she insists I carry her around the national trust places, all 234000 miles of it. That action shot of Ernie makes me giggle, I have a similar one of Abbie when she was learning to sit up, she has this huge smile on her face as she’s falling backwards haha. x

  3. mummydaddyme

    There is nothing better than a family walk on the weekend and then coming home for a snuggly afternoon indoors- it is something we love doing. I love these photos especially the one of their wellies in a puddle- just gorgeous. x

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