#Vlogstars Week 1: Facts and Favourites


So it’s about time I stepped out my comfort zone when it comes to Vlogging. So far I’ve been happily splashing about in the shallow end of the pool, playing around with software and seeing how filming fits in with family life

While I can not yet justify a proper Vlogging camera I have recently joined my first linky(auto correct totally changed that to kinky the first time) . I’m keen to get the old shit sandwich feedback on my videos, in general I’m pretty good at seeing where I’m going wrong but I don’t always have the knowledge to fix the issue, be it a technical problem or time management etc, I’m looking forward to linking up with fellow newbies, making some in my phone friends and having fun creating content.

So here it is, my first ever #vlogstars the ten questions and details of how to take part can be found below.

The Questions!
Facts and Favourites…
What is your middle name?
What is your Favorite drink?
What is your favourite song at the moment?
Have you participated in any sport?
What is your favourite book?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite animal?
Do you speak any different languages?
What is your favourite clothes shop?
What are some of your favourite tv shows?

If you fancy joining in with  #Vlogstars
* You must link up to Jess and Kelly’s linky #Vlogstars post of the month.




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