#themeinmummy 05/08

Sorry for the late posting folks, this week has been a little hard hitting if I’m honest, and I’m realising more and more about myself and my ‘me time’ habits. Welcome to another week of #themeinmummy

Mummy doesn’t have a visible ‘me’, but she’s there, you can hear her even if she if she can’t be seen. In amongst the chaos of family life or working, the ‘me’ can get lost, remain invisible, but damm it! we all deserve time to be ourselves: whether that involves a cheeky glass of wine, treating yourself to a gift, a lone shopping trip, or even a spa day (wouldn’t that be nice) I say we take a few moments to capture the ‘me’.

This week has seen some really beautiful entries and it’s been nice to see more and more ‘little moments’. Thank you everyone who shared!! A little bit of the old vino has made an appearance this week, could it be the summer holiday bump? The ‘hook gin up to my veins so I can survive another week’ mentality?

What inspired me most this week however was Natalie’s (from memeandharri) picture. I took me a while to work out why it struck a chord outside of the clearly stunning set up, and then, it clicked. Evenings are our me time too, yes I know we just flop on the sofa sometimes, but Natalie showed me that we really do need to use our ‘metime’ to take care of ourselves physically too. Take an early night, read instead of watching TVs or using a screen.

Us bloggers are so guilty of using any time alone working…. While blogging may not seem like a chore, it is actually very taxing on the brain. Im very mentally drained this week. More than anything I want to thank her for sending me this reminder…. Hope you’re all rested up so you can grow your little person Natalie!!


During the holidays I always tell you how my routine falls apart cos, not only do the clubs end, but Scott is home too and, I’ve been quite reliant on him recently, I have a tendency to retreat into myself when I’m down and he’s afforded me lots of sleep. even at odd times… It’s poignant that #themeinmummy is my only regular post at the moment. Because I’m going through a selfish phase. Depression can be very isolating and I just don’t feel I’m able to be 100% mum… it’s like I need to work in order to parent effectively.

This cOmmunity started because I got my job and ‘found myself’ again. But without work I’m so directionless and feel undervalued. So much of my identity is linked to my achievements. So it makes perfect sense that my picture this week is also a book. For someone who says they love reading, I have been so slack for…well…years. They have been piling up on my shelves…. And I’ve actually began picking them up again. I know this feeling won’t last forever. And I’ll return to being ‘normal’ soon, but for a few weeks, I’m going to lose myself in literature, be someone else, And hopefully, I’ll feel more positive about things soon.

It can’t all be fun and games, this blog was meant to show the lighter side of life and parenting, when I’m feeling overwhelmed and weighed down, it can be harder than ever to blog, I want to be real. Life isn’t all rainbows and giggles but that shouldn’t stop me finding the laughter and it certainly shouldn’t stop me showing you the real #meinmummy also, even when she’s having a crappy time.


Want to get involved?

Every Friday I will be sharing a moment from my week where I wasn’t just mum, and I’d love you to join in too.

Simply add #themeinmummy to your insta image description and I’ll feature my favourite every Friday on the blog as inspiration for others and a celebration of YOU!

If you fancy getting social do tweet me the link and I’ll happily retweet

Have an awesome week guys! I’m hoping I’ll feel more inspired to blog soon. I have a lovely new camera and I intend to use it.

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