Slummy Chic

Half term is rapidly approaching and I cant wait, heres why

I can spend some quality time with the eldest
I can spend some quality time with the hubby (who doesnt work school holidays)
I also have the week off of work
I can (fingers crossed) have a lay in at some point next week, bliss
I wont have to do the school run: Yay extra jammie time
Halloween is just around the corner
Hubby has offered to decorate one room of my choosing..

Its this last one which has got me in a spin, one room, any room (bar the family room, which is open plan living/dining room/kitchen and will no doubt be in use) I can chose either mine or Scotts office, one of the toilets, our bedroom or one of the childrens. So heres the dilemma, which do I chose? Being a ‘Slummy Mummy’ means I have my own unique way of decorating, this usually involves the following:

Buying candles (lots of candles, purely ornamental mind you)
Buying picture frames (lots of picture frames)
Purchasing those mini paint tester pots (You know the ones, where you paint a stripe on each wall and it they sits there for 3 years while you decide which colour you prefer)
Buying cushions (lots of cushions)
Collecting paint supplies (we have a range of different tapes, overalls, dust sheets, brushes and rollers)
Hours of internet research with Google images
Hours of internet research with Pinterest
Hours of internet research with DIY stores
Hours of wandering around show homes, department stores and the home sections of supermarkets for inspirationhome final

So with all this, how many rooms have I decorated in the last ten years? Lets think, 5 homes, er 0 complete rooms:

Home 1, a flat, no point decorating, this is a pit stop

Home 2, all neutral anyway, I painted a wall of the kitchen bright pink, only to have it all crumble and fall off during the winter, that was a coooold house, I did put up some stickers in the hallway and begin my candle collection though.

Home 3, painted a previously hideous brown wall: green, got cushions, used testers, added to the candle collection. Painted Hs room and put up a border. (I lie, I met my husband that year, and he did that for me)

Home.. Paid a decorator to do our downstairs and My husband painted our larder door, I then stripped the wall paper in our bedroom, got bored, fell pregnant (not cos I was bored) and stared at a half done wall for a year.

So here we are home number 5!!!! Im pleased to say, this is our 10 year hous So when you think about it, theres no rush to decorate really.. maybe Ill get some new cushions

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