Four For the littlies: Christmas Gift Guide

Iiii don’t want a-lot for Christmas there is just one thing iiii need, someone else to wrap the presents underneath the Christmas tree…….

Ok maybe I need more than that, anyone else struggling this year? I really don’t believe in getting gifts for the sake of it, I’m very much a quality over quantity kinda mum, preferring to get one main gift and a handful of smaller ones (and a stocking obvs) rather than 10/20 lower priced items.

When people ask us what to get the kids, or indeed my husband and I for Christmas, I tend to suggest the following

Something they want

Something they need

Something to wear

Something to read

As grateful as I am to friends and family who want to treat us in the feastive period, I don’t like the idea of gifts going to waste or being inundated with large items we don’t have room for, so I thought I’d share not only the above motto with you, but also, over the next few weeks, provide you with some ideas for the whole family in my ‘Four, For’ gift guide.

First up: Four For The littlies

Something they want!!


If you haven’t already you can check out my review of this little chap in a previous post. Cozmo is a must have toy for 2018, the perfect balance of education, imagination and fun. In fact, I’ve toyed with the idea of this even being on the grown up gift guide as he’s so versatile! And who doesn’t want their very own robot?

Something they need 

I like to think we are a creative family. We love crafting, baking and messy play. But I also love children’s fashion and home decor, sometimes the two don’t mesh. This is why cauliflower gifts aprons are a perfect ‘need’. With Funky designs and colour combinations, they’re also able to be personalised meaning each child can have their own….(I have two boys very close in age, this is as much a need, as protecting their clothes is) it arrives in a gorgeous gift box and is available from ages 3-10.

 Something to wear

As mentioned above, I love kids fashion and finding unique and beautiful items for the children. As he was born on Christmas day, Roo doesn’t have another day in the year where we can ask others for clothes, by Advent his trousers are above the ankles and his coat’s looking a little snug. But the main items he lacks are winter pjs…. they’re always first on the list. Knowing my fondness of Spanish fashion, La Coqueta got in touch and offered to send us a pair for Roo in time for Christmas and they do not disappoint! Think real transitional pjs! 100% cotton grassy-green Gingham….. and they have matching sibsets if you want to pop a pair in the Christmas Eve boxes……. their range doesn’t stop there though, there’s plenty of similarly gorgeous outfits and outdoorwear in their winter gift collection.

Something to read

Ok, so this is a toughie. We are doing book advent this year, so there are many beautiful children’s books to recommend.

However this one isn’t Christmas themed, It’s not even got any pictures in it….. just writing….. I can hear the protestations now….. (until they open it), but if you want to see the littlies belly laugh, this book is for you.

‘You might think a book with no pictures seems boring and serious. Except . . . here’s how books work. Everything written on the page has to be said by the person reading it aloud. Even if the words say . . .

BLORK. Or BLUURF. And even if the words include things like BLAGGITY BLAGGITY and MY HEAD IS MADE OF BLUEBERRY PIZZA!

That’s the rule. That’s the deal’

The book with no pictures


So here’s hoping this has given you some inspiration for your children this year, next weeks gift guide is ‘Four For…….mums!! It’s not





I’m afraid, but I’d say you’ll definitely want to leave it laying around so your gift-giver sees it…. or send them the link over WhatsApp with a wink face.

Some items were gifted to us in exchange for a feature or review, however, as always thoughts, opinions and random acts of hillarity all my own.

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