Themed Food ideas or a Swashbucking Pirate Party

So the scene is set, you’ve decorated the room for a troupe of mini pirates, what’s next? here is a rundown of the food we laid out for little Roos third birthday. amazingly it was fairly simple, a few mini chalk boards from The Range and even the obligatory cheese and pineapple sticks were given a ‘jolly’; twist.DSCF6546DSCF6566




11 Responses to “Themed Food ideas or a Swashbucking Pirate Party”

  1. Le Coin de Mel

    Brilliant ideas, lovely! We had a couple of pirate parties in our time, and I created a pirate party board on Pinterest. Just pinned one of your photos as a reminder if another one of my littles wants a pirate partay!

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