Luckyvoice Karaoke (without the vodka)

This month our family went all Von Trapp, Luckyvoice sent us the most fantastic product and app to review. I make a point of only accepting products which compliment my blog…. And boy was this a perfect fit! Family time, laughter and 90s nostalgia… Plus, the kit was teal and fuchsia!!! Not only the staple colours of our home, but also the colour scheme of this page… Some things are just meant to be…
Who fancies a sing song then?

I adore singing! That’s not to say I’m any good. I had lessons as a child, firmly believing I was destined for a career on the stage… The bright lights of the WestEnd called to me. I even did a Btec in Acting once. But alas, it was not meant to be! Maybe I wasn’t confident enough, or maybe I just wasn’t talented enough… Or at all.. if I’m honest…

Oh I can warble through Shakespeare, recite my beloved Buffy scrips by heart, but singing… Er yeh…. Karaoke after a few too many vodkas was, for a while, pretty much the extent of my musical theatre career… Then I had children…. And even that became impossible…. I’ve handed my baton to the next generation and Harriet it seems is determined to make it to the stage…

But hurrah, I no longer need to leave the house to ‘Hold Out For a Hero…. (I bet vodka would still help though…..)

*side note, want to get you tween girl to tidy her room?….. This product is the ultimate incentive…. She even plumped cushions! CUSHIONS!!

The app

Nothing to plug in, nothing to install, just press play and sing.

imageWe Started by downloading the luckyvoice app free from the AppStore as part of a free trial, this offers access to over 8000 songs….. Can you work out who chose which in our family?

Isn’t it a shame* I don’t have a YouTube account yet, so you can’t hear us giving it beans…..

*shame re: possibly the ‘lucky’ aspect of ‘luckyvoice’

Any song we could think of was available. From kids nursery rhymes to classic 90s ballads…. There’s some modern shi….. Tunes there too, but I think H could point them out better than I.

You can also create playlists. One for each family member… Or one for public (like when you’re singing on the tube and want cool ones) and one for home use (like teenybopper classics from your youth).

The app subscription is £1.49 pw. Ideal if you have a special occasion coming up. Tween birthday, family party or just a few parental evening vodkas. This can be cancelled at anytime…even during the free trial.

As an added bonus I’m offering my readers a whole MONTH FREE (30days) with the voucher code SLUMMYMUMMY which can be redeemed at Do share with me which song you went for first!

Now for the awesome kit

imageWe were very spoilt for choice when it came to setting up ours, as it can be accessed via the laptop or iPad, using the tv, dock or external speakers for audio. H set to work plugging in the leads and had no trouble following the instructions…. Although setting up the audio through our tv was a bit of a hassle, only because I…. Er Scott had to change the settings for us…. I suspect this wouldn’t be an issue with a newer model (our TVs are 6 years old). The kit itself is available in pink gold white and teal… And, unlike traditional karaoke kits it’s not bulky at all, it’s stylish and easy to use….also the microphone lead is extra long, so you can boogie bop along…..You can even add and extra microphone for some ‘Summer Night’ duets….. We might or might not have tried this out.


The kit does enhance the experience so it’s worth investing if you enjoy the app…..Not only did the cows in the field at the back of the house moo along to a verse of Old Macdonald…..but there’s really is nothing quite like hearing your voice extra loud over the tv to remind you why you didn’t make it to the WestEnd…..

But giggles were had… Duets were sung and a new addiction has now been formed. Be warned…. If you get an invite to my 30th Garden Party in August…. I have a whole playlist ready…. Starting with a bit of P!nk

image*disclaimer, we were sent this product for review purposes, all thoughts, ideas and wit are my own

9 Responses to “Luckyvoice Karaoke (without the vodka)”

  1. Frickin’ love karaoke!! We had an awesome machine till my eldest spilt milk over it and it did **still cries**. Might just take you up on the voucher code, the girlies are coming over next week I’d say it would be some craic.

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